Sven and I found out we were having a girl. We went to the ultra sound and told the nurse that we did not want to find out. We asked if the nurse would call my sister and tell her what we were having. My sister wanted to send a package so we would be surprised. At first the people at the doctors office thought it was strange but by the time I left, I think they were more excited about it than I was. My doctor asked it I would know what the gender is at my next appointment. I could tell from the look on her face that she was relieved when I said yes. Two days after my ultra sound, we got the package filled with girl clothes, bibs, bows, etc. Sven wanted a girl so he was pretty excited. We still do not have any names picked out. We have a lot of work to do in the next 8 weeks before she makes her debut.
In early August we were able to go and see Mammoth Cave and Cumberland Falls. Mammoth cave was really cool. We didn't get to see much of it since we got there later in the day but it was still amazing to see how water can make such a big dent in rock. Cumberland Falls was alright. It is apparently the biggest waterfall east of the Mississippi next to Niagara Falls. We went to see the moon-bow which is one of the only places in the world you can see one. It is pretty much just a rainbow made from the moon light. It was too cloudy to see the night we went.
We also were able to go up to Nauvoo for a day. We stopped at Carthage jail. That was probably my favorite part. It was crazy to see the living situation of people back then. It makes life now look so much easier. Then we went up to the Nauvoo temple. That place is huge. Five stories for a temple- it was crazy. I have gotten used to the Louisville temple, which is one of the 3 smallest temples in the church.
Anyway, things are going fine. I had another ultra sound last week. Shaniqua (my baby's womb name) was 3.4 pounds, which is in the 12 percentile. My doctor said I will be lucky to get a 6 pound baby. When I looked online it said she was normal weight for this stage. I don't know what to believe. I tend to believe my doctor more than the internet. My doctor had me back off a bit on my exercise and I have to go back for another ultra sound in a week to see how she is doing.
Other than that, there is not much else going on. Sven is back in school and studying a lot. I am super busy trying to get prepared for the baby and attempt to maintain our apartment. You wouldn't think it would be that hard to maintain but it completely exhausts me. I get to go home to Utah in just over a week. I am super excited to have a break from all this work. Well that's all about me, maybe I will update in another few months. :-)
I'm so jealous of how awesome you look!! I think I'll need to hire you as my trainer when I get pregnant again!